
 Fay Johnstone

 Fay Johnstone is a Ngiyampaa - Baarkintji woman residing in Ivanhoe. Fay has been employed for 30 years as an Aboriginal Education Assistant with the Department of School Education and is based at the Ivanhoe Central School. Fay is a member of the Ivanhoe Health Advisory Council and is a Board member of the Mount Grenfell Historic Site Management Committee. Fay is a past Director of the Murdi Paaki Regional Housing Board and of the Western Aboriginal Legal Service and is on the board of Directors for Maarima Ma Health.

contact: ivanhoecwp@mpra.com.au

Ivanhoe Community Priorities and Priority Actions

- Develop a community cultural keeping place and knowledge and visitor centre as the focal point for researching, displaying and honouring our cultural heritage, and to create a culturally safe hub for delivery of health and human services;

- Advocate for the provision of the physical infrastructure and resources needed to improve the health and wellbeing of our children and young people;

- Advocate for the infrastructure, resources and services necessary for the respectful care for our Elders;

- Enhance community awareness of, and access to, a greater range of primary health prevention and intervention services; and

- Ensure our people have access to safe, well maintained housing free from overcrowding and provided with the means to lessen the impacts of the Ivanhoe climate and environment.

Ivanhoe Community Action Plan - November 2019